Perky little penguins by Tony Mitton and Guy Parker-Rees

London, Orchard, 2007. Picture book.
An enchanting look at penguins, this picture book written by Tony
Mitton and illustrated by Guy Parker-Rees is sure to delight its
audience, whether reading independently or listening to the wonderful
language. Perky little penguins go on a fantastic trip, 'skimming
through the snow, slipping on the slidy ice' and having fun wherever
they go.
The rhythm, rhyme and alliteration in this story make it a great read
aloud and the illustrations add lots of vivid colour as well as giving
the reader many chuckles as they follow the antics of the penguins.
As the penguins say:
'Wheeeee!…What a whizzy ride'.
Pat Pledger
© Pledger
Consulting, 2007