Two by two and a half by David Melling

Hodder Children's Books, 2008.
(Age 3-8) 'Follow the leader, follow the path, Two by two and a half'
sang Miss Moo Hoo' as she led her class out for a walk in the woods.
Everyone had a partner except Little Bat Jack who bravely walked at the
end of the line while the others hold onto Miss Moo Hoo's tail. Rabbit
heard a strange sound. Could it be a rumbling tummy or could it be a
lion? No, it was Little Bat Jack and he didn't count. More strange
noises were felt and seen and although the children imagined a
troubling dragon
and rampaging ragamuffins, each time it was Little Bat Jack who had
collected mud and leaves in his struggle to keep up with the party.
Then a fierce bear appears and it is Little Bat Jack who saves the day.
David Melling's illustrations are wonderful. The zany animal characters
of the nursery party contrast with the huge and frightening pictures of
the lion, dragon and ragamuffins. The bear is truly awesome and Melling
has perfectly captured its fear of the strange leaf-covered Little Bat
Jack. The refrain in the story is very catchy and children will have
fun singing along with the animals.
A great book to read aloud and to listen to time and again, with a
subtle message that small people can be heroes.
Pat Pledger
© Pledger
Consulting, 2007