The gift of the Magi by O. Henry

Books, 2008.
(All ages) This beautifully illustrated book, recreates the story of
the Christmas presents given by a married couple to each other, in such
a way that the story is given extra breadth and depth. Many will know
the story. A young couple, living in impoverished circumstances in a
flat in an American city, sell one of their possessions to buy the
other a present. The girl sells her hair to buy her husband a watch
chain, and he sells his watch in order to buy her combs for her hair.
It is a wonderful story of the selflessness of giving, of love and
marriage, of the custom of giving presents, begun by the magi on the
first Christmas.
The illustrations expose the poverty of their lives, the dirt and grime
of the city, the haven that is their flat. The preponderance of brown,
grey and white underscores the paucity of their lives, as she counts
out her small money, saved to buy him a present. Students of all ages
will immediately see the irony of the story, and will readily pick up
the echoes in the illustrations. A lovely picture book which will be
read by many, particularly at Christmas, when present giving becomes
the opposite of what is shown here.
Fran Knight
© Pledger
Consulting, 2007