The fatal fire by Terry Deary

Terry Deary's Roman tales. A and C Black, 2008. ISBN
(Ages 6-10) The Horrible Histories writer is now targeting younger
readers with a series of short novels telling a fanciful story of some
aspect of ancient times. In this, Mary, the slave to Master Tullus, is
waiting for him to finish watching the games from which she is
excluded. From her vantage under the table, she sees a familiar man
throw a frying pan of fat against the wall setting it alight. She
hurries to tell her master and together they flee Rome as the buildings
burn around them. As he leaves she sees Nero, the emperor and
recognizes his face as that of the arsonist.
A story which gives its readers a huge amount of information about Nero
and his place in Rome's history, Deary speculates on how Rome began to
burn, thus making Nero's plans to build a new palace able to be put in
place. Deary gives the readers titillating facts about Nero's life and
times, and by making Mary the focus of the story, allows the reader to
empathize with the fate of some of the poorest of Rome's population.
Fran Knight
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