Reviews index
The taste of lightning by
Kate Constable.
Allen and Unwin, 2007

Age 11+ A spin-off of the wonderful Chanters of Tremaris series, this adventure story will appeal to readers of that series, although it could also be read as a stand-alone. The book opens with a gripping description of the evil power that an evil witch, Wanion, holds over Tansy, a young laundry maid. It continues with the rescue of Skir, an imprisoned Priest-King by Tansy and Perrin a young soldier, who has been recruited to gain access to the prisoner.
Constable draws compelling pictures of each of her characters and the reader is drawn into the action of the escape and consequent adventures.
I found the story of Skir slightly confusing and wished that the author had concentrated on Tansy as the main character or provided more information about Skir’s background early in the book, but the ending leaves lots of options for future sequels. The combination of action, romance and magic is memorable and the story will appeal to readers who like Tamora Pierce and Ursula Le Guin.
Pat Pledger


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