The Hunting Forest by Michael Coleman

Orchard Books, 2007.
(11+) The third in the series about bears (The Bear Kingdom) where
bears rule the earth and humans, the saps, are their slaves is no less
exciting than the first,
The Howling
Tower. Mops, Benjamin and Spike have escaped their captors and
are headed to Hide Park, a place renowned as a safe and secure
sanctuary for humans. Once they get there, surviving all sorts of
hardship and avoiding capture, they are surprised when the bears bring
more humans to its doors, as well as food and water. What is going on?
They find their way to Inspector Dictatum's winter lodge and there,
seeing the bloody and torn clothing of their comrades, arranged along
the wall like trophies, they realise that they are about to be hunted.
They must warn the others. An exciting series, where the tables are
turned, the bears being the rulers and the humans, their slaves, should
appeal to upper primary and lower secondary kids looking for an
adventurous mystery set in a parallel world.
Fran Knight
© Pledger
Consulting, 2007