Seams of gold by Christopher Cheng

National Museum of Australia Press, 2007 (Making Tracks)
ISBN 978
(Age 8+) Danny is staying with his uncle while his parents visit
relatives in China. Since the mining accident, uncle has sewn for a
living, doing all sorts of repairs for the miners, as they slave over
their diggings looking for gold. Grudgingly Danny accompanies his
uncle, aghast when he tells him that he should sew too. Sewing is
women's work, but things turn out that sewing is Danny's work as well,
as he realises that sewing has an important place in the community.
A delightful story full of the sight and sounds of the goldfields in
the middle of the nineteenth century in New South Wales, when many
Chinese people came to work the mines, Cheng recreates the feelings of
being a Chinese person at the diggings, where their skills were sought
after. He based his story around a small sewing basket at the National
Museum, part of a collection of objects gathered from the NSW
Fran Knight
Note: Discussion questions and other activities can be found at
Making tracks.
© Pledger
Consulting, 2007