Brisingr by Christopher Paolini

Doubleday, 2008.
Brisingr is the third book of the Inheritance Cycle, the fourth
bring the cycle to a close. I was apprehensive when beginning this book
because I hadn't read the other two. There is a useful synopsis of
Eragon and
Eldest which helps to bring you up to date
with the story so
far. It goes without saying, however that having read the other books
is an advantage especially early on in the narrative. In many ways
Brisingr brings many of the threads of the story into a cohesive
ready for the finale which is yet to come. At almost 750 pages there
are a considerable number of questions to which we find answers.
Eragon and his dragon Saphira are again the star characters, with
Roran, Eragon's cousin the other action hero. The Empire, and
Galbatorix at its head, are still powerful and becoming even stronger.
Despite The Varden, Elves and Urgals joining forces and with the aid of
a dragon rider victory appears a remote possibility. Galbatorix seems
to gain in strength, and without knowing how, the forces ranged against
him are at a great disadvantage.
The Varden find that some soldiers of the empire have extraordinary
power, in that they feel no pain and fight on despite horrific
injuries. The Empire's dragon rider and very young dragon seem to be
drawing on a source of power unknown to any of the magicians. Their
power and strength may soon be too strong for Eragon and Saphira to
Eragon no longer has the sword given him by Brom and needs another.
When he seeks to enlist the help of the Dwarfs he also takes time to
visit Ellesmera and the Elf Oromis. He needs to know the secret of
Galbatorix' power and see if Solemnbum's prophecy about his new sword
is true.
There is plenty of action interspersed throughout the narrative, with
Roran's heroics featuring heavily in his battles with the Empire's
armies. But it's not all brute force and swords there is also intrigue
aplenty with plots and schemes among the diverse allied forces that are
more used to fighting one another than being comrades in arms.
This is a fantasy of the
Lord of the Rings genre. It has many
of the
hallmarks of Tolkien; humans, elves, dwarves, dragons, magic and most
of all the fight between good and evil. Eragon is a heroic figure but
he is racked with guilt and pain at the death and destruction he
causes. He is also bound by oaths he has sworn to various individuals,
not least the one he swore at the Menoa tree, one he doesn't even know
the terms of. Fans of Paolini will enjoy this latest episode but
fantasy readers in general will appreciate the scope and depth of
Paolini's imagination.
Mark Knight
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