Are we there yet? by David Levithan

Harper Collins, 2007
(Age 15+) Two brothers, tricked into holidaying together in Italy, find
that they
are worlds apart. Together they drift through Venice, Florence and
Rome, seeing the same sights but from a totally different perspective,
recalling the happier days of their shared childhood, when the older
brother, Danny, looked out for his sibling, Elijah, ten years younger.
When Elijah meets a girl, Julia, the hesitation between the two
brothers becomes more openly hostile, and an approach by Julia towards
Daniel, becomes a secret he keeps from his brother. Elijah and
Julia meet and have dinner, staying at Julia's hotel, leaving Danny to
fend for himself, but when Julia has dinner with Elijah on Independence
Day, her toast is 'to the end'. Elijah, set adrift, must reunite with
his brother. Danny in the meantime has run into an old friend, and has
realized what little he has apart from work. The two brothers meet
again at the Pantheon and here their journeys come together.
The descriptions of the sights they see are wonderful. Levithan uses
imagery which is at once familiar, and startling. His familiarity with
the journey through Italy's past creates a marvelous backdrop to the
story of the two brothers, as they meet at museums and galleries, eat
together and then alone or with Julia, regurgitating the slights of the
past. The story recreates the tension between them, slowly building as
they journey towards the inevitable coming together when they realise
what they have lost and how easy it is to repair the rift. A wonderful
coming of age story, both Elijah and Danny are complete characters,
with foibles and behaviours that are as endearing as they are annoying.
A treat for upper secondary students and adults alike.
Fran Knight
© Pledger
Consulting, 2007