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Moonshadow: Eye of the beast by Simon Higgins

cover image Random House Australia, 2008. ISBN 9781741662832
(Ages 11-15) Moonshadow is the story of a young apprentice, Moon, who has trained by a secret brotherhood, the Grey Light Order, and who is sent on a mission to the Silver Wolf's lair. Equipped with special powers such as being able to see through the eyes of animals and possessing advanced sword skills, he carries the fate of Imperial Japan. He meets a mysterious, beautiful girl - friend or foe?
The year 10 student I gave this book to wrote:

'The way that Simon Higgins encapsulates the aura and majesty of the world that the tale is set in is truly remarkable. The way he also blended in magic, superstition, and science is also deserving of credit. My favourite part of the story is when Moonshadow meets the deathless, with the climatic battle between the foes bringing the story to a suitable end. The most interesting thing would probably be the way that the story is told from different perspectives. It is full of action, mystery, romance and drama. I would give this book 9/10 and rate it highly to any other young readers.'
Suitable for Year 6 to 10 students.
Kevyna Gardner and Luke Davenport
Balaklava High School


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