What the light reveals by Mick McCoy
Transit Lounge Publishing, 2018. ISBN 9780995409873
Mick McCoy details the everyday lives of an Australian couple who,
having refused to hide their dedication to communism in the middle
years of the 20th century, conclude that the only way they can find
work, given their unacceptable beliefs and commitment, is to move to
the USSR. His narrative is realistic, true to its time and place, I
believe, both in climate and in the descriptions of the everyday
lives of the Russian people. That the majority of Russian people
were better off under the rule of communism, even with its attendant
hardships, than they had been previously, is a given in this
narrative, at least for that period in history.
Mick McCoy has written his work to reflect both the aspect of strong
political and personal beliefs, and that of the lived reality of the
time, in his clear descriptions of the deeply challenging decision
to move to live in a foreign country at such a time in history - and
to a place with such a harsh winter climate. Yet we are aware of the
sustaining force of the parents' strong beliefs in the rightness of
their decision, and of their love for their two children. While both
are challenged, their faith in the deep truths of communism and
their love for their family, sustains them. The inevitable
frustration of living in a place where all residents must live
harmoniously in their little apartments, following the ideals of
communism, where they, like all others, will be watched daily, spied
upon for any slight mistake against the communal ways, or even a
slight error in judgement, takes its toll. In this fine work,
McCoy's 'light' does indeed reveal the reality of the time and
place, and of the lives of people such as this family.
Elizabeth Bondar