Island of Glass by Nora Roberts

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The Guardians trilogy, bk. 3. Piatkus, 2016. ISBN 9780349407906
(Age: Adult) Romance. Fantasy. The third in The Guardians series see Roberts return to Ireland as her setting where Doyle, the immortal, must come to grips with his past when he finds that the house they are living in has been built on the exact spot where he grew up centuries before. As they begin to search Irish history and landscape for the final star and the Island of Glass, both Doyle and Riley must come to grips with the attraction that they feel towards each other and be courageous enough to admit their love. Island of glass is not a stand-alone novel, readers should read the others in the series, Stars of fortune and Bay of sighs, before reading this.
Roberts' love of Ireland is evident in her telling of this tale. The soft landscape, misty mornings, green fields and ancient monuments provide a background to Doyle and Riley's story. The other four protagonists - Annika the effervescent mermaid, Sawyer the time traveller, Bran the Irish sorcerer and Sasha the seer, all play an important role, but it is Doyle and Riley who dominate the story in Island of Glass. There are dramatic moments, action packed incidents and a beautiful fantasy island for the seekers of the stars and readers will be swept along for the quest.
Fans of Roberts will be very familiar with the way she pairs off six people, giving them a seemingly impossible task to perform, while finding love on the way, but her novels always provide a great deal of escapism and ease of reading that brings fans back for more.
Pat Pledger
