Animal alphabet: Learn your letters by Jeannette Rowe
The Five Mile Press, 2016. ISBN 9781760068837
(Ages: 3-5) This is part of the Giggle School range of
preschool and early learning activity books for parents to use with
young children. This is one of the first in the series - the other
is Count on me. The books contain big, bright distinctive
illustrations by Jeannette Rowe and were developed in consultation
with an international education consultant. In the back of each book
are some fantastic quick tips for parents about ways to support
their child's early learning. This one starts by showing the whole
alphabet, then looks at capital and lower case letters and names and
sounds of letters before telling the reader that letters can make
words. The text is appropriately simple and contains age-appropriate
activities on each page (saying letter names, saying letter sounds,
colouring, finding letters in words, writing their name).
The majority of the book follows an alphabet picture book concept
showing each letter of the alphabet and some animals that begin with
that letter. On the bottom of each of these pages, it shows how the
letters are formed and has some dotted letters for the child to
trace. The child also has to write the letter to finish one of the
animals' names. (eg. -iger). All of the animals on these pages are
already coloured, which means there is not much for the child to do.
Interspersed with these pages are a few other activities, most of
which involve colouring and tracing, good for developing fine-motor
coordination. There is only one page (alternative letter sounds and
blends, eg. Gi for giraffe) that seems inappropriate for the target
level of the book.
A marketing point of these activity books is that they are
full-colour, but this seems somewhat wasteful for books that may be
used once and then discarded. However, if used well by parents, this
could be a worthwhile tool (able to be used more than once),
especially for letter and sound identification and letter formation.
Nicole Nelson