Pieces of Sky by Trinity Doyle

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Allen & Unwin, 2015. ISBN 9781760112486
(Age: 15+) Themes: Death & grief; Teenage romance; Coming of age; Relationships. Trinity Doyle's debut YA novel gives an insight into the world of grief. Lucy and her parents have been shattered by the drowning death of Cam - the wild-child brother and son. His loss has carved great chasms into their lives, and they are all at risk of plummeting to the depths. Lucy was a champion swimmer, but now can't even face the water; her mother has succumbed to the darkest of depression, and her father has thrown himself into the world of work, and is maintaining a blinkered finger-tip hold on his threatened business to the detriment of his connections in his family. Relationships for Lucy are also strained under the weight of grief, and a mystery girlfriend from her brother's past who keeps texting his phone, sends Lucy in many directions as she tries to find solid ground. A romantic interest gives Lucy hope and an opportunity to feel something other than the pain of grief.
The road to recovery after a tragedy is seldom smooth and as each character deals uniquely with their own grief we see the ripple effect of the tragedy played out in their community. The friends of Cam are also grieving, and their life choices reflect the 'live now and don't consider tomorrow' lifestyle of the young.
Because of the topic and the inevitable sadness that we must feel deeply in order to understand the slowness of recovery, this book should only be recommended to those who are emotionally mature enough to deal with the topic of death in a family.
(Note: references to drug-taking, possible suicide, sexual encounters that are begun, but uniquely ended before regret wins over. Some swearing.)
Carolyn Hull
