Read and reflect: literature discussion in small groups by Dee Clements and Sally Godinho
Press, 2009.
Highly recommended. Book clubs for children! Dee Clements and Sally
Godinho have developed a model for a 'Classroom book club' which gives
primary school children the chance to explore literature by sharing
their ideas about a text. Both authors are experienced and thoughtful
practitioners whose understanding of literature and teaching are
evident throughout the book.
The objectives and organisation of the model are explained in brief
statements followed by dot points. The model's relevance to critical
literacy, Bloom's taxonomy and De Bono's six thinking hats is neatly
summarised. Strategies for guiding discussions are set out in clear,
user-friendly language which will be appreciated by teachers, support
staff and volunteers alike. Reproducible assessment and reflection
tasks have been prepared for students and teachers. The structure of
the program is logical, clearly explained and educationally sound.
Two aspects of this resource give it broad appeal. Firstly, the
frameworks for discussion are based on themes not specific titles.
While lists of recommended books are provided, some with brief reviews,
the model itself will not date. Reproducible pages are generic.
Teachers can return to the book for guidance time and again, knowing
that the model will retain its relevance and value even if they select
different titles. Secondly, insightful sections on 'Small group
discussion', 'Building group skills' and 'Creative questioning' can be
applied across the curriculum.
Read and reflect is an unassuming title for a book which
combines a
framework for enriching literature study with an unwavering focus on
successful classroom organisation. It is one of those books which
teachers can trust when they plan their guided reading programs because
it has been written by authors who know what works in the classroom.
Elizabeth Bor