The Wombles by Elisabeth Beresford

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Bloomsbury, 2013. ISBN 9781408826485.
Highly recommended to all ages, with the text aimed at readers - girls and boys - aged 8+. Who remembers The Wombles? I do. The Wombles is a gorgeous book with an accompanying CD of stories and would make a lovely Christmas gift. It is set out in chapters and introduces the readers to the Wombles. Each chapter involves a different Womble and tells of their adventures as they battle the rubbish left behind by humans. It is one large story about the Wombles and a great way for parents to share their childhood. It would be a great read for the classroom - especially with its theme of recycling - and would be good for using as a model for story writing. Teachers could have their students writing their own Womble story and creating their own Wombles.
Kylie Kempster
