A. J. Betts on writing
With novels, I usually have a production line happening. As one is
being printed and released, I'm already well into the next. Zac
and Mia, for example, was begun between edits of Wavelength,
my second novel. I like to keep writing, spurred on by the next
alluring idea.
But this time my slick production line has ground to a halt. The
writing of Zac and Mia was so consuming and the editing so
intense that now, at its release, I'm still in stun mode. There's no
room in my head or heart for anything else.
I do know what the next novel will be though. It's something that's
been brewing for eight years, ever since I drove through a tunnel
and noticed a drop of water falling from its ceiling. Over the past
eight years, the idea has grown tentacles (as good ideas do) and
it's ready for me to grab and see what it does. I've already done a
lot of research, but I'm yet to put pen to paper. I do have the
first line though: 'We had no word for ocean'.
Fortuitously, it's a novel far removed from my reality and the story
of Zac and Mia. The next novel (I'll call it Vault
for now) is set three hundred years in the future, off the coast of
Tasmania. The creative freedom this offers is very appealing. I want
each novel to be a whole new creation, with unseen challenges for me
as an author. I rebel against boredom and complacency! Once the Zac
and Mia whirlwind settles, I'll find a quiet space and get
back into the rhythm of writing. I hope to have Vault under
control (a first draft, perhaps) by the end of 2014.
I plan to continue teaching and lecturing, though on a part-time
basis. I'm trying to get right balance of author-life and
teacher-life, but it's not easy. Teaching is great, but it takes a
lot of energy to do a good job. Being a full-time writer isn't a
possibility . . . yet. After all, I need to fund my obsessions with
coffee, pastries, travel and bicycles (I have five). Winning the
Text Prize has enabled me to reduce my teaching load this year to
focus on editing, and now publicising, Zac and Mia. It's
also given me that precious boost of confidence which all writers -
no matter how experienced - need every now and then.
Amanda Betts