Note on the door by Lorraine Marwood
Walker Books, 2011. ISBN 978 1 921720 61 1.
Note on the Door is a book of poetry aimed at children and I would
recommend it for children aged 10+ to adults. Lorraine Marwood explores
topics of everyday life from snapshots of family life and burning cakes
to adventures at the beach and the birth of a baby. The poems are
descriptive and entertaining and as you read they are telling their own
little stories that you can relate to yourself.
It is a good collection to expose children to as many read poems that
rhyme, the type of poetry that most children are exposed to as they go
through school. The collection is also a good teaching tool for the
classroom as children are exposed to the different ways poems can be
set out for the best impact on the reader.
Kylie Kempster