Dangerous to Know by Katy Moran
Walker Books, 2011. ISBN 978 1 4063 1729 9.
When two strangers meet and fall in love, the world is suddenly lost
and the other person is their life raft. Jack and Bethany feel like
this and when nobody wants the two to be in love, they fight for
what they truly want - each other - but when family gets in the way,
what is really left to do? When family members are lost, sick,
worried, back unexpectedly, Jack and Bethany have to fight harder to
keep their love and stay in one piece - but sometimes, can family
have the strongest potential to break that love? Jack and Bethany
experience what it means to have a true love connection, but will it
work for them? Love is uncontrollable and you can't help who your
heart chooses.
I loved how even though they had to fight hard and at everyone they
still tried to make that love last. I sympathized for Jack and
Bethany because all they had to go through they still loved each
other. Fighting fate is hard, but fighting family is even harder.
This book shows the true colours of a fight-worthy love. I love
fight-worthy loves stories and this book is among them.
Cecilia Richards(Student)