Literature to support the Australian Curriculum: Annotated lists of fiction and poetry by Fran Knight
Pledger Consulting, 2011. ISBN: 978 1 876678258.
Highly recommended. This brilliant resource is a must for every
school library. As stated in the title, it contains clearly set out
lists of titles under the themes of Asia, Sustainability, Indigenous
literature and Poetry as well as providing suggestions for class
texts and titles to read aloud. With a focus on the various age
groups, Knight sorts titles to fit entry level to Year 3, Years 4 to
7 and Years 7 to 10. A precis for each title is provided to enable
one to get a feel for the book without having to search the shelves
and databases. Particularly for teacher librarians who are regularly
bombarded with requests for titles which may fit a theme or subject
area, this will make life considerably easier. Alongside Pat Pledger
and Fran Knight's other titles, Flash Fiction, Historical Fiction
and Values Fiction, this title would be a support for any teacher or
teacher librarian wishing to truly immerse students in quality
literature. Their previous publications are still relevant and easy
to add new titles to as they are released.
Having read many of Fran's reviews, it is obvious that she is a
prodigious reader and I value her opinions on the many titles
included in this publication. I now eagerly await a similar title to
suggest texts for each subject within the National Curriculum,
particularly for use alongside the specific history topics. Whilst I
appreciate the networking of colleagues on such lists as OZTL, as we
collaborate to find titles to suit a theme, it will be an asset to
have good solid lists in place as a first resort. A highly
recommended title!
Jo Schenkel
Editor's note: A sample of the book and order form is available at