Matched by Ally Condie
Penguin, 2010. ISBN 9780141333052
(Age: 14+) Highly recommended. Cassia has just turned 17 and in her
society that means she is now ready to be matched, on her birthday. The
officials in her society decide everything that happens, who you love,
when you will get married, how many children you have and when, where
you will work for your whole life and when you die. When Cassia is
matched she believes that he truly is her perfect match, but then she
starts to fall in love with someone else.
I love this book! For anyone who loves a good romance novel this
is a
must read, it takes priority over Twilight for me, and I'm Twilight
A beautiful love story that truly captivates you, I guarantee that you
will get lost in this book. I was torn between the two male characters;
I wanted both of them to live happily with Cassia. I was hanging on
every word that Ally Condie wrote, mesmerized by the sentences that
were formed.
I really truly hope that you will love this book as much as I have.
Taylor Oxenham(Student,14)