Mariah Mundi and the ship of fools by G.P. Taylor
Faber and Faber, 2010. ISBN 978 0571251889.
Upper Primary and Lower Secondary . Highly recommended. Mariah Mundi
and Captain Charity have left the Bureau of Antiquities to
travel on the Triton in the race against the Ketos across the Atlantic.
An attempt on Mariah's life in the train on the way to the dock begins
the intrigue. Everything is larger than expected. The Triton 'was
nine hundred feet long and two hundred wide. It towered above the
dock cranes as high as St Paul's Cathedral' p12. This was a
unusual adventure for Captain Charity knew or suspected all that was
going to happen but Mariah sits in the reader's place and we see the
catastrophe unfold before our eyes.
Full of modern technology and
ideas this is an adventure for readers who love the challenge of the
future and the unknown. It's an exotic and excitingly gripping story,
with many unexpected twists and turns. The finale has to be read to be
believed. Perhaps this is our future?
This is a very good read,
especially for children who love the challenge of words and
ideas. It is quite an extraordinary adventure with wonderfully
seemingly impossibly situations which resolve in quite an
unexpected and original way.
Sue Nosworthy