Fierce fighters series by Charlotte Guillain
Raintree, 2010.
(Age 7-10) This is a well researched and interesting series that
provides excellent easy to read information about fierce fighters. Each
book is beautifully illustrated with both line drawings and quality
photographs of sculptures, artefacts and costumes that belong to the
period. Large text on the left of each double spread eases the way for
newly independent readers, while a Did You Know section on the
hand side, contains a fascinating bit of history that will keep the
reluctant reader interested. An easy to use Table of Contents and index
make the information accessible for children who are doing research and
the glossary is a helpful aid to understanding new words. A
bibliography contains both books and websites to encourage further
reading and investigation from the young reader. There are also
instructions for a creative activity at the back of the book.
Children will be fascinated by the subject matter, which will appeal to
both boys and girls.
Books include:
Read Me! Greek warriors by Charlotte Guillain. Raintree, 2010.
ISBN 9781406216158.
This contains information about the ancient Greeks, how they became
warriors and fought in wars. It also looks at famous Greek warriors and
Greek women.
Read Me! Gladiators and Roman soldiers by Charlotte Guillain.
Raintree, 2010. ISBN: 9781406216110.
Topics include Who were the Romans?, Roman soldiers, gladiators and
weapons. There is a section on Roman women and the end of the Romans.
Read Me! Samurai by Charlotte Guillain. Raintree, 2010. ISBN
Information is given about the Samurai, their rules and weapons
as well as famous Samurai warriors and Samurai women.
Pat Pledger