Easy library displays to promote reading Book 2 by Fran Knight and Pat Pledger
Consulting, 2010. ISBN: 9781876678234.
Highly recommended. This is a brilliant resource and must have for all
librarians as it is 'designed to help the busy librarian make the
library a vibrant place of learning'. With a well laid out table of
contents, one can skim the list to find national and international
events which can be celebrated each month across the school year, as
well as certain themes or concepts which could be utilised at any time.
The calendar dates in this particular edition are not necessarily those
generally celebrated in schools. This fact alone makes it a worthwhile
title to own!
Presented with each of the featured celebrations or promotional days is
a substantial list of display ideas, many of which are simple and
inexpensive yet effective, a section containing associated activities
which could be organized for the event and also a bibliography of
related websites. For most topics, there is a full page list of print
resources as well. Possibly my only criticism would be that I would
have appreciated having a code to show the age level appropriateness of
all texts or an indication of which are items on the lists are
non-fiction titles. (JP or PB for Junior Primary Picture Book, UP to
show Upper Primary, Sec identifying Secondary text and NF)
With regularly changing displays keeping our Library fresh and
inviting, this will give us some ready-made ideas without us needing
to go and re-invent the wheel! Ideas could easily be adapted and
resource lists added to, depending on the collections held in different
Jo Schenkel, Pilgrim School